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Download Glide Library For Android Studio

  • Download
  • Setup
    • Permissions
  1. Sep 17, 2015  Why Use Glide? Experienced Android developers can skip this section, but for the starters: you might ask yourself why you want to use Glide. instead of your own implementation. Android is quite the diva when working with images, since it'll load images into the memory pixel by pixel.A single photo of an average phone camera with the dimensions of 2592x1936 pixels.
  2. Android Glide Example. Lets make a simple android app that shows the usage of Glide image library. Create an android studio project with package name com.androidglide. Now include Glide library to your project by adding following line of code under dependencies section in app level build.gradle file.

Android SDK Requirements

Minimum SDK Version - Glide requires a minimum SDK version of 14 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher.

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Mar 21, 2018  How to create image slider of multiple images using glide library in android? I have used glide for one image but not able to use for.

Compile SDK Version - Glide must be compiled against SDK version 27 (Oreo MR1) or higher.

Support Library Version - Glide uses support library version 27.

If you need or would prefer to use a different version of the support library you should exclude 'com.android.support' from your Glide dependency in your build.gradle file. For example, if you’d like to use v26 of the support library:

Using a different support library version than the one Glide depends on can cause RuntimeExceptions like:

It can also lead to failures in Glide’s API generator that prevent the GlideApp class from being generated.

See #2730 for more details.


Glide’s public releases are accessible in a number of ways.


You can download the latest jar from GitHub directly. Note that you will also need to include a jar for Android’s v4 support library.


If you use Gradle you can add a dependency on Glide using either Maven Central or JCenter. You will also need to include a dependency on the support library.

Note: Avoid using @aar in your dependencies whenever possible. If you must do so, add transitive = true to ensure that all necessary classes are included in your APK:

@aar is Gradle’s “Artifact only” notation that excludes dependencies by default.

Excluding Glide’s dependencies by using @aar without transitive = true will result in runtime exceptions like:


If you use Maven you can add a dependency on Glide as well. Again, you will also need to include a dependency on the support library. Download google play apk for android 4.1 1.


Depending on your build configuration you may also need to do some additional setup.


Glide does not require any permissions out of the box assuming all of the data you’re accessing is stored in your application. That said, most applications either load images on the device (in DCIM, Pictures or elsewhere on the SD card) or load images from the internet. As a result, you’ll want to include one or more of the permissions listed below, depending on your use cases.


However if you’re planning on loading images from urls or over a network connection, you should add the INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml:

Download Glide Library For Android Studio Free

ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE isn’t technically required to allow Glide to load urls, but it helps Glide handle flaky network connections and airplane mode. See the Connectivity Monitoring section below for more details

Connectivity Monitoring

If you’re loading images from urls, Glide can automatically help you deal with flaky network connections by monitoring users’ connectivity status and restarting failed requests when users are reconnected. If Glide detects that your application has the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, Glide will automatically monitor connectivity status and no further changes are needed.

You can verify that Glide is monitoring network status by checking the ConnectivityMonitor log tag:

After doing so, if you’ve successfully added the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission, you will see logs in logcat like:

If the permission is missing, you’ll see an error instead:

Local Storage

To load images from local folders like DCIM or Pictures, you’ll need to add the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission:

To use ExternalPreferredCacheDiskCacheFactory to store Glide’s cache on the public sdcard, you’ll need to use the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission instead:


If you use proguard, you may need to add the following lines to your proguard.cfg:

VideoDecoder uses API 27 APIs which may cause proguard warnings even though the newer APIs won’t be called on devices with older versions of Android.

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If you use DexGuard you may also want to include:


Glide’s build configuration requires features that Jack does not currently support. Jack was recently deprecated and it’s unlikely that the features Glide requires will ever be added. If you’d like to compile with Java 8, see below.

Java 8

Starting with Android Studio 3.0 and version 3.0 of the Android Gradle plugin, you can compile your project and Glide with Java 8. For details, see the Use Java 8 Language Features on the Android Developers website.

Glide itself does not use or require you to use Java 8 to compile or use Glide in your project. Glide will eventually require Java 8 to compile, but we will do our best to allow time for developers to update their applications first, so it’s likely that Java 8 won’t be a requirement for months or years (as of 11/2017).


If you use Glide’s annotations on classes implemented in Kotlin, you need to include a kapt dependency on Glide’s annotation processor instead of a annotationProcessor dependency:

Note that you must also include the kotlin-kapt plugin in your build.gradle file:


Download Glide Library For Android Studio 2

See the generated API page for details.

About Glide

Glide is a fast and efficient image loading library for Android focused on smooth scrolling. Glide offers an easy to use API, a performant and extensible resource decoding pipeline and automatic resource pooling.

Glide supports fetching, decoding, and displaying video stills, images, and animated GIFs. Glide includes a flexible api that allows developers to plug in to almost any network stack. By default Glide uses a custom HttpUrlConnection based stack, but also includes utility libraries plug in to Google’s Volley project or Square’s OkHttp library instead.

Glide’s primary focus is on making scrolling any kind of a list of images as smooth and fast as possible, but Glide is also effective for almost any case where you need to fetch, resize, and display a remote image.


Glide uses a simple fluent API that allows users to make most requests in a single line:


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Glide takes in to account two key aspects of image loading performance on Android:

  • The speed at which images can be decoded.
  • The amount of jank incurred while decoding images.

For users to have a great experience with an app, images must not only appear quickly, but they must also do so without causing lots of jank and stuttering from main thread I/O or excessive garbage collections.

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Glide takes a number of steps to ensure image loading is both as fast and as smooth as possible on Android:

Download Glide Library For Android

  • Smart and automatic downsampling and caching minimize storage overhead and decode times.
  • Aggressive re-use of resources like byte arrays and Bitmaps minimizes expensive garbage collections and heap fragmentation.
  • Deep lifecycle integration ensures that only requests for active Fragments and Activities are prioritized and that Applications release resources when neccessary to avoid being killed when backgrounded.

Getting Started

Start by vising the Download and Setup page to learn how to integrate Glide in to your app. Then take a look at the Getting Started page to learn the basics. For more help and examples, continue on through the rest of the Documentation section, or take a look at one of our many sample apps.


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Glide v4 requires Android Ice Cream Sandwich (API level 14) or higher.